Every few days I release NEWS here, so check back soon!
Nürnberg, Deutschland – Die international gefeierte AC/DC-Tribute-Band BAROCK kündigt den Abschied ihres langjährigen Rhythmusgitarristen Stefan Kern an, der sich künftig auf seine eigenen kreativen Projekte konzentrieren wird. Seit dem Jahreswechsel 2017/2018 hat Kern mit seinem unermüdlichen Einsatz, seinem unverwechselbaren Stil und seiner Bühnenenergie den Sound und den Erfolg der Band entscheidend geprägt.
„Stefan hat uns und unsere Fans mit seiner musikalischen Leidenschaft inspiriert,“ erklärt Bandleader Eugen Torscher. „Er hat sich mit seiner Bühnenpräsenz und seinem Spielstil unverzichtbar gemacht. Wir wünschen ihm alles Gute und freuen uns darauf, was er als nächstes auf die Beine stellt.“
Well, it's over. The fantastic summer open-air tour. It was so great and I just love how you celebrated this shows.
I would like to thank everyone who visited the concerts, but also I would like to thank all the technicians, promoters, helpers, colleagues and everyone who showed courage in any way and who made it possible. Check out the next tour dates and see you again in autumn and winter to create unforgettable moments together.
As you know, Hamburg was sold out this january. Maybe we'll even be able to play for two days in what feels like my second home. I let myself be surprised.
I'm taking a bit of a break now and working in the recording studio, but also I will spend time with my family, who unfortunately you don't see that often during such a time. Have a good time everyone, see you on the road to write momories! Don't forget to bring your dancing shoes! **Stefan**
I'm going one step forward. Once again I founded a new group called MEANSTROKE.
Of course - you know - time plays a big role in music-industrie, so don't expect miracles.
We are writing songs and the first national concerts are confirmed in winter 2024.
Take a look at the graphic and look forward to further information.